Kadane's Algorithm
Kadane’s Algorithm explanation with its example use case in the Maximum Subarray problem
The Problem
If you’ve spent time on Codeforces, Leetcode, or any of the other numerous algorithm coding problem websites, then you’re likely to have come across the Maximum Subarray problem.
Given an integer array nums, find the contiguous subarray which
has the largest sum and return its sum.
And other variations such as returning only the largest positive sum or subarrays containing at least one number etc.
So given an array [-2, 5, 2, -11, 6]
the maximum sub array would be [5, 2]
totaling 7
The problem was originally proposed back in 1977 by Ulf Grenander a Swedish professor of applied mathematics at Brown University in Rhode Island.
Ulf had a 2d subarray and wanted to find a rectangular with maximum sum. He was eventually able to derive a O(n^2) solution to the one-dimensional version by using a precomputed table of cumulative sums.
Then after hearing a seminar of the problem Joseph “Jay” Kadane designed a O(n) algorithm in mere minutes.
The Algorithm
Kadane’s algorithm loops over the array in one pass to find the maximum subarray. The variable mx
holds the largest subarray total so far in the area up to i
holds evidently then the current maximum and adding the current item in the array i
allows us to compare the running maximum to the local subarray maximum in determining which is greater.
def kadane(arr):
mx = arr[0]
curr_max = arr[0]
for i in arr:
curr_max = max(curr_max + i, i)
mx = max(mx, curr_max)
return mx
Coming from an engineering background I used to hearing people ask “when would you use this?” or “what is the need for this?” whenever a new topic was encountered.
Theoretical mathematics can be diverse and varied and beautiful beyond what anybody could expect. The moment when you see a problem that seems complex but an elegant solution comes sweeping in and shakes your perspective is hard to come by.
Unfortunately some might say but we live in a real physical world and sometimes need real applications. Kadane’s algorithm is one in a plethora of tools that you can add to your toolbox as an engineer or scientist when you encounter a problem. Richard Feynman was a great proponent on this where growing up he read from various calculus books and was able to amaze his cohorts with an answer to a solution that they would have never imagined because they didn’t have that tool readily at hand to solve a problem.
Kadane’s algorithm is only a small piece that would slot into larger programmes but some simple examples include:
- Finding the longest running period of profit or loss for a company
- In genomic analysis to identify important segments of protein sequences
- In computer vision, detecting the brightest spots of an image